Thankful Wrap

peppermint-milkshake01It’s November 30 — yowza!! Another month come and gone, but how I do love December. So, two more “thankfuls” gets us to 30.

I’m thankful for seasonal flavors. My previous favorite being the peppermint mocha at Starbucks was replaced last year when I discovered the peppermint milkshake at Chik-fil-a! Yes, the temperatures may have been in the 30s but that didn’t stop me from back-to-back-(to-back) drive thru runs last year. I’ve been craving one all week, so might need to make it my “Congratulations You Made It Through Another Week” treat tonight 🙂

To balance the frivolousness of that, I’m thankful for my life. Yeah, that’s a big one, but it’s easy to forget how truly blessed we are sometimes. My life consists of a wonderful husband, two crazy fur-children, amazing family members who love and care for us, a great job, a lovely home and a seriously awesome network of caring, supportive and unique friends. What’s not to be thankful for?

Happy Friday all!




Thankful Catch Up

Catching up from last week! I’m thankful for…

1. Ability to try new things: I took a photography class this past weekend and loved the opportunity to learn some tips from a pro. Looking forward to more opportunities to try new things and take better pictures.

2. A clean(ish) house: With some VIP guests on their way this weekend, it’s the kick in the butt I need to tackle those cleaning projects that always get put on the back burner for the more fun things in life 😉 Hauling 4 huge trash bags to the curb last night was therapeutic.

3. My doggies: They’re so forgiving after long days home alone, and always give me the best greetings.

4. My Mama: She’s the best (probably should have put her before the doggies, huh?). I’m so grateful for her. Looking forward to some quality girls time over Thanksgiving.

5. Vacation: Taking off the entire week of Thanksgiving and heading to the beach! Seriously can. not. wait.

6. Laughter: I watched Funniest Home Videos last night. Totally true what they say about it being the best medicine! Oh, and people falling down just never gets old.

Thankful for Ends

Today  I’m thankful that the presidential election is O-V-E-R. No more political commercials, no more political facebook posts, no more every-single-day-leading-with-a-political-story on the Today show…we’re done! Now lets see what Obama will do with four more years. And hope that our whiny little leaders can reach across the aisle to do what’s best for our country and not just their political standings.

Weekend Thankfulness

Some days of Thankfulness to catch up on, so here it goes to cover Saturday, Sunday and Today 🙂

1. Snail Mail — Yes, I stink at getting the mail on the regular, but I’m definitely more encouraged to get better at it when these little gems pop up in my mailbox 🙂 Thanks awesome friends who are great at sending good ol’ fashioned cards.

2. Old Friends — We went to the wedding of one of Joey’s oldest friends this weekend. Made me thankful for our network of friends, and the ability to always pick right back up where you left off.

3. My Husband — This time last year we were planning our most awesome wedding, and being around old friends this weekend made me thankful for the million other things we’ve planned, done and accomplished throughout our crazy long relationship. We challenge each other, and drive each other nuts at times, but the bottom line is there’s no one else I’d rather share my life with than him.

What are you thankful for today?


Lets Be Thankful

Hi, it’s me. Diana. Worst blogger evaaaa. It’s a new month though which feels like a good time to try to reinvigorate myself around getting you some regular posts!

I’m taking a page out of Pam101’s book and deciding to fill November with posts about being thankful. I’m already a day behind, so here are two things I’m thankful for:

1. 28 Years With My Grandfather — My grandfather passed away on 10/21 at the age of 88. He lived a long, healthy, full life and was married to the love of his life for 65 years. I’m so thankful to have known him. He will always be a role model of patience, kindness and love to me.

2. Knowledge — This probably sounds weird, a totally nerdy, but lately I’ve been craving knowledge. I want to learn and understand so much more about so many things – healthcare marketing, photography, nutrition, business management, fitness…and the list goes on. It almost feels overwhelming. I’ve never had a strong, lasting desire to go back to school, and I don’t think I’m feeling that now either, but I’m thankful for the ability to learn on my own through classes, career development opportunities and reading. Knowledge is a wonderful thing.

Here’s hoping you’ll join me in being thankful this month!