Where to Start? Also Known as the ADD Post

I have three drafts pending in my new post queue, they include few complete sentences, random idea nuggets and a photo. My mind is sort of everywhere lately and while I want to craft my ideas into great posts, it just doesn’t seem to be happening.

The main themes of my self-inflicted ADD revolve around friends & family, health and money. Here’s your D-spot download.

  1. Hilary is BACK! As in back in the USA after two years in Africa for the peace corps. There are lots of emails flying between my sistas-from-other-mistas as we scheme on a girls reunion weekend. Looks like it’s going to be in September. And it’s going to be awesome.
  2. The hubster and I are heading to the beach this weekend, woot woot! Originally we were going next weekend, but my on-call week got swapped and so we’re packing up the four-legged children and getting out of dodge effective tomorrow afternoon. I’ll get some pictures up next week, Instagram in the meantime @DianaTroese.
  3. Maybe it’s because I work in a hospital and I’ve become way more aware of disease and ‘wellness’, or maybe it’s just because I’m getting older and making more of my own life decisions, but the idea of living as healthfully as possible has been on my mind lately. I’m reading a new book that I’m looking forward to telling you about that discusses the role food plays in our overall health. I also have some ideas about making our home a little more environmentally healthy too. Posts to come.
  4. I have visions of money, budget, saving, spending, retirement funds and life insurance dancing through my head. Hubs and I had a very Adults-Talking-About-Finances moment this week, where we started to set some goals for ourselves in terms of investing, saving and spending. I’m thinking of creative ways to save, and I look forward to having a conversation with you about that soon!

So what’s new with you? Anyone have a baby yet? (Sara, Kacie, I’m looking at you!)

Much Ado About Nothing (no, but seriously)

I’ve been sitting at this computer for the last 45 minutes willing myself to write. My attempt has gone something like this: Can’t think of anything to write, pull up Facebook, try to think about something to write about, can’t even come up with a status update, pull up pinterest, look for inspiration, find nothing inspiring but do find a funny picture, post funny picture above, wonder if I should write about food, look at a few blogs, decide I don’t want to write about food, look around, remember how much I hate the color blue in our stairwell, wonder why anyone would pick that color blue, get mad at myself for hating that color blue for 3 years and doing nothing about it, stare at this screen a little longer, start typing, realize tonight’s attempt to write a decent blog post will be unsuccessful. 


1. Game of Thrones on HBO is amazing, but last night’s finale was a little bit of a let down. Mary wants to punch Joffrey in the face, I say someone needs to cut his head off asap. I can’t believe Season 2 doesn’t start until SPRING of 2012! Good thing True Blood is starting soon, and new Harry Potter and Twilight movies hit theaters in the meantime. Lots of distractions to geek out to 🙂

2. The frozen hot chocolate at Dunkin Donuts SUCKS. Seriously, spend your calories elsewhere. Dunkin dissapoints me more often than not. They’re super inconsistant. Long live Starbucks!

3. Honest Tea’s Half Tea/Half Lemonade lights up my life.

4. Stevie Nicks radio on Pandora might be the best station I’ve created to date.

5. I love experiencing new places in DC. Excited for my first trip to the E Street Cinema tonight with Pam101 of Pam101 fame. Not sure I’m hipster enough, but I wore my black mod-inspired dress to try and fit in. Is that even hipster? I’m such a square.

Darn You Daylight Saving Times

Daylight Saving Time is kicking my butt right now. Of course I’ll love the extra hour of sunshine in the evening, but as someone who has to take out two dogs every morning at 6 a.m., I was kind of digging the early sunrise. Now it’s back to black, and as someone who is totally scared of the dark (don’t judge) I get all jumpy being outside when it feels like everyone else is sleeping. And the moon is still in the sky. And people can easily lurk in shadows. And no one would hear me scream. Ok, now I’m just being dramatic.

I’m sure once my body adjusts to the time change, and the weather starts to warm up all will be right once again in the world. Until then, I’m caving in and drinking coffee this morning.