Holy Crap We’re Engaged!

The story of our engagement really starts way back in 1999, when the cutest guy in High School gave me his pager number (no joke!) and I paged him the next day to wish him a Happy Birthday. If you told me then that I had just met my future husband, I would have said you were crazy.

That’s where our story starts, but for the sake of time , I’ll fast forward to March 5, 2011 – the story you really want to hear about – the proposal!

As you know, we were in NYC for the weekend – a trip I gave to Joey this past Christmas. After arriving we went to lunch, followed by Rockefeller Plaza and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Then we decided to take a stroll through Central Park. We made our way to the Lake, and were trying to find somewhere to sit, relax and just enjoy the weather and the park. That somewhere ended up looking a little something like this:

In true tourist fashion, and being completely oblivious to what was about to happen, I pulled out my “list of things to do” and started checking off the things we had done already. Joey asked to see the list, and started writing something on it. I assumed when he handed it back it would say something to the effect of:

  • Stop making lists and hang out with me

Instead, it looked something like this:

  • Check out Times Square
  • See St. Patrick’s Cathedral
  • Visit a Museum
  • Get ring from Joey in Central Park

As I comprehended what I was reading, I looked over at Joey who had pulled a ring box out of his pocket and was down on one knee. His words were simple and perfect, “Will you marry me?” Of course I was already crying at this point, but managed to squeek out a YES.

Thank goodness for iphone cameras because it was the only camera we had at the moment! My memory is honestly fuzzy from this point forward – there were phone calls to parents, text messages to friends, and lots of “holy crap this really just happened”exchanges between Joey and me.

It was perfect.

O, and speaking of perfect, Joey, with the help of my little brother, picked out this beautiful, most perfect, ring.

It’s funny, because Joey says he had no set plans for the proposal and all his friends told him he was crazy. He says he felt like he’d just know when the moment was right. I’d say that by following his instinct he hit this one out of the park (no pun intended).

And so that’s how we turned the page on the next chapter of our story – on a rock, at a lake, in New York City more than a decade after coming into each other’s lives.

Thank you so so so so much to everyone for all the well wishes, messages and calls! We are lucky to have such an amazing network of family and friends.